
Harlow...i'm not gonna descibe myself here...but i just wanna say that u guys have to learn how to life your learn to the's a blessing to be in this treasure it...peace out...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Life---Kids are a blessing? Think again.

*Curses as it is now 3.27am when I'm writing this for the second time after I hit the refresh button by mistake*

Whats my issue this time? Kids. And my definition qualifies any person under the age of 12.

Remember back in the days where a bowl of noodles cost twenty cents? Inflation has it that a bowl can cost up to three dollars, and while that is happening, so is the inflation of employee's wages. Link that to an ideal 21st century family, having a picturesque image of a family of 3 when the mother is now free to leave her child to faith. I'm thinking of the time when I, being brought up in a lightly more well-off family, had a handphone at the age of 12, and hell, it wasn't even expensive as comparing to the likes of today's technology, yet walk around and I doubt anyone will be surprised when a seven year old is sending text messages on the latest model. If i'm picturing the teens these innocent little people will grow up to if they're uncontrolled, I'l be wishing they had the phone right from their mother's womb and actually not be a waste of taxpayer's money as such of what my eye sees, spending years and years and years of taxpayers' money on education, only to receive a certificate fit for the barbecue pit. Translate that added income to a higher daily allowance for the kid and i'm probably guess that you will have a delinquent on your doorstep in years to come.
Also, tell me, does the silent mode so prevailent in handphones today actually serve its purpose when the delinquents don't even realize why it is placed there for, and on that note, doesn't 'social etiquette' stand within them? SHEESH, ANSWER YOUR FORSAKEN PHONE ALREADY AND TURN OFF THAT CRAP-ASS LAME RINGTONE WHICH YOU HAPPEN TO THINK IS FUNKY, WELL FUNKY MY BIG WHITE ASS.
So you reward them for doing well in school every time, maybe by adding a certain amount to their daily allowance or giving out to them something they wish for. You believe that rewarding them after each and every success motivates them to do well, but then that is the average lay-persion's thought. It is a proven and reserached issue that if you only give out rewards at unexpected times and more importantly using th element of surpirise will the memory of the lesson be remembered for a greater duration fo time. Lets picture a bunch of sore losers who don't realize their standing in society in an attempt to intimidate a person 1 foot taller and porobably 30kilogrammes heavier as well as larger by mass. Stupid? I believe its an insult to the word. In my opinion, the ideal reward for the kid when he does well in school is to give him the opportunity for furthering his education.
i'm picturing a family where the parent are working people and the care of heir children is left to their belief in a god for guidiance and then pray for their kid to grow up and mature with grace. That was a joke people. I'm sparing the thought that ifi an individual will grow up into rejects of society, let's validate sympathy killing at birth, when their brain defects can be dected by the lack of a brain. Issues where taxpayers' money are just send rolling down the drain by delinquents who are given a chance at education but spend more the average student only to acquire a certificate fit to fire a charcoal pit for 8 seconds. Insensitive aren't I? Nope. I beg to differ as you would expect me to do.
I will definitely not say that I or anyone else on this planet is virtuous(since its a definition entitled to humans by other humans of equal status) but I was witnessing this kid drop coins into his hopper at this amusement part, over and over and over, running to and from the cashier who never failed to devliver a smirk every time his back was turned. I was not in the same liability status as the cashier so I was not smirking but actually laughing. The amount spent by a kid almost six, maybe more, years younger than I would have the capacity to spend more than me just for amusement's sake. If i did my math right, the combined expenditure on one pair of hoppers for the two kids in reference is amost eight times the combined expenditure of the owner of this blog and my expenditure at the same pare of hoppers.
Vack on the track of the little people who are able to be using a handphone actually don't thnk of it as an accessory but as a point for flaunting. If they may allow me to state my 150,000 dollar grand piano sitting in my hallway, I believe they should now where they stand in society, not 1 notch below me, but 1 notch below the five-hundred-thousandth person below me.

I had a deprived childhood? maybe, who knows.
~Frozen Lestat~


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